
I need more space but i cant add space to /dev/mapper

us flag

Sorry my english, but I'm italian, today on my vps with ubuntu I restarted emby server, but it didn't start and doing service emby-server status, it gives me the error: Unhandled exception. System.IO.IOException: No space left on device

but the space is there, the same error gives me apt upgrade ... then I went to see with df, and I found that / dev / mapper / vg00-lv02 is 100% full

then i tried to add space with lvextend -L + 1G / dev / mapper / vg00-lv01 but ....

Insufficient free space: 256 extents needed, but only 0 available

then i tried to verify with the vgdisplay command

and this is the result: enter image description here

so.... wtf i need to do xD

in flag
Read the LVM manual. Check if you actually have physical disk space available. Resize disks as needed. Resize or add partitions and volume groups.

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