I have various windows servers all joined to a domain controller. I have the following setup and RDP enabled:
Server A = Windows 2016
Server B = Windows 10
Server-A can RDP to Server B. Server-B cannot RDP to server A.
When I attempt a connection from server B to server A, I receive an error stating:
An authentication error has occurred.
The function requested is not supported.
Remote Computer:
This could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation. For more info...
I went ahead and ran through instructions located :https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/azure/virtual-machines/credssp-encryption-oracle-remediation
but I am not seeing those registry values on my system (or it states Not Configured).
Server A = No option of Encryption Oracle Remediation found.
Server B = Encryption Oracle Remediation - Not Configured
I cleared all logs from server A and attempted to log into Server-A from Server-B using a random username. This generated the failure shown above. I then logged into Server-A and checked event viewer but did not see any events containing the random user I had created.
Any thoughts on where to look next or what the issue might be? Thanks!