
how to use ipv6 subnet (2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1/96) for outbound connection from linux?

cn flag

how to use 2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1/96 subnet for outbound connection from linux?

I'm trying to use something like this curl --interface 2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1:5fff:8 in GCP VM

this is working if I add with ip -6 addr add 2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1:5fff:8/128 dev ens4, but I want to use all address of 2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1/96 or at least 2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1/112

but if I add with ip -6 addr add 2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1:5fff::/112 dev ens4, curl is not working, giving error with (99: Cannot assign requested address)

vidarlo avatar
ar flag
Who gave you that IP address?
Goli Nikitha avatar
ng flag
Are you trying to add VM's to a primary network interface or secondary network interface? Make sure the IPv6 is enabled in the subnet first and next in the VM. Refer this [documentation]( for more information on enabling IPv6 and refer this [documentation]( for details on IPv6.
cn flag
@GoliNikitha as I stated above, if I use /128 its working fine, but I can't a way to use any ip in that range, its enabled in subnet, vm as /96 to main interface. I followed same links what you shared.
cn flag
@vidarlo its in GCP
cn flag

After many tries with different options, finally adding addr and route along with enabling net.ipv6.ip_nonlocal_bind doing trick

ip add add local 2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1/96 dev lo
ip route add local 2302:1400:3010:3731:0:1/96 dev ens4
sysctl net.ipv6.ip_nonlocal_bind=1


make this question duplicate :(


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