
How to define www.* wildcard domain in nginx server block?

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I want to define my own domain something like this - in nginx server blocks . i have tried to do like this - www(.) * & it throws error like - nginx: [emerg] invalid server name or wildcard "www(.*)" on

Ivan Shatsky avatar
gr flag
`server_name ~ ^www\..*\.abc\.example\.com$;`
sambit avatar
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@IvanShatsky i am getting error - nginx: [emerg] empty regex in server name "~" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ now after adding the above content .
Ivan Shatsky avatar
gr flag
Yep... there should be no space between the `~` and the regex pattern: `server_name ~^www\..*\.abc\.example\.com$;`
sambit avatar
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thanks it worked , however now i am getting another issue -
sambit avatar
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thanks @IvanShatsky it worked , however i am getting the following ssl error - This server could not prove that it is ; its security certificate is from * This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Please let me know how to fix the issue . and i am using amazon acm manager to get a certificate for my website . which i had requested only for * earlier , But how to request a new certificate for the www domain as well ?
Ivan Shatsky avatar
gr flag
Certificate issued for `*` should work for ``. I know nothing about amazon acm manager (as well as about any other amazon services). The only thing I ever used to get a wildcard certificate is the [ACME Shell script]( in the [DNS manual mode](
sambit avatar
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thanks for your recommendations , i will check the scme shell script .

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