
I want to know how to change ip from expire pool to normal after date is extended

ke flag

I been searching for a solution regarding freeradius revert from expired pool to normal pool when the user paid. I just entered a date and time for a particular user for expiry in mysql.


Based on what I enter the user get expired pool when the date is expired but the problem is when the payment is done I need to revert back to normal pool

sqlcounter expiration {
        count-attribute = "Acct-Session-Time"
        counter-name = "Max-Allowed-Session"
        check-name = "Expiration"
        sqlmod-inst = "sql"
        key = "User-Name"
        reset = "never"
       $INCLUDE ${modconfdir}/sql/counter/${dialect}/${.:instance}.conf


This one is for Expiration

If the user expires this code will executes.

userlock = 1
update reply {
Reply-Message := "Your account has expired, %{User-Name} / Reason: DATE LIMIT REACHED / zaib"
Framed-Pool := "expired-pool" 

Now I want to revert back to normal pool automatically when the date is extended

Also I want to know does radippool works and how do I link it with radcheck


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