
OpenVPN windows split tunneling - route 1 IP outside of VPN

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  • How do I change the config file in Open VPN (windows) to allow a particular IP to go outside the VPN tunnel?

  • I know that if I want only one particular IP to go through the Open VPN tunnel, I can use this command:

route nopull

route [IP address to use VPN]

  • However I don't know what commands to use to do the INVERSE i.e. only a particular IP does NOT use the VPN tunnel and all other IPs use VPN.

  • What commands would I add to the Open VPN config file in windows?


cn flag

To make OpenVPN route one specific IP through the default route, use the following line:

route [IP] net_gateway

This will route [IP] through the system default gateway (instead of the VPN gateway) therefore not passing traffic to that IP through the VPN.

You can substitute net_gateway for vpn_gateway if you'd like to do the opposite, routing one specific IP through the VPN.


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