
(nginx) is it possible to preserve http protocol?

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I have a backend server that receives HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2.0 plaintext, grpc plaintext over HTTP/2.0 (no tls).

I want to use nginx to receive HTTP request from user (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, etc), and pass to backend, preserving HTTP version without using passthrough.

so, desired state is below.

1. client <-(HTTP/1.1 plaintext)-> nginx <-(HTTP/1.1 plaintext)-> backend
2. client <-(HTTP/2 plaintext)-> nginx <-(HTTP/2 plaintext)-> backend
3. client <-(grpc over HTTP/2 plaintext)-> nginx <-(grpc over HTTP/2 plaintext)-> backend
on a same ip, same port.

is this possible?

user9517 avatar
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You probably do need passthough because the nginx reverse proxy module and the [`proxy_http_version`]( directive only allows you to select HTTP protocol version `1.0` or `1.1` and talking to backends with HTTP/2 is not supported at all. See this Q&A

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