
How to set VMWare VM screen resolution on Windows using Ansible

be flag

I'm trying to deploy a vSphere Windows VM via Ansible and need to set a specific screen resolution (1024x768). Running VMWareResolutionSet.exe works locally in PowerShell with the following command (the , needs to be escaped with a ` in Powershell to avoid making the arguments a list, and the & is needed to run commands with spaces in their paths):

& "C:\Program Files\VMWare\VMware Tools\VMwareResolutionSet.exe" 0 1 `, 0 0 1024 768

However, running this command remotely with Ansible's win_command only yields a return code of 1 with no further error message. The same behavior occurs when running the command directly with pywinrm or when invoking PowerShell as a subshell. As far as I can tell, the problem lies with this not being an interactive PowerShell instance. However, setting become: true and become_method: runas did not work.

How can I set the VM screen resolution via Ansible?

be flag

Ultimately I was unable to get this to run remotely via PowerShell, but I was able to run this as a scheduled task which runs immediately upon being registered:

- name: Ensure that the user can run scheduled tasks
    name: "SeBatchLogonRight"
    action: add
      - "{{ ansible_user }}"

# Deleting and reregistering will force the task to run every time
- name: Remove screen resolution task if present
    name: SetScreenResolution
    state: absent

- name: Create a task to set screen resolution
    name: SetScreenResolution
    description: Set the screen resolution
      - path: C:\Program Files\VMWare\VMware Tools\VMwareResolutionSet.exe
        arguments: "0 1 , 0 0 1024 768"
      - type: registration
    state: present
    enabled: true

- name: Wait for the scheduled task to complete
    name: SetScreenResolution
  register: task_stat
  until: (task_stat.state is defined and task_stat.state.status != "TASK_STATE_RUNNING") or (task_stat.task_exists == False)
  retries: 5

you can configure this task to delete itself using the instructions found in I still suspect there's a way to do this with win_command with the right setting, but I wasn't able to figure it out.


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