
Home Lab Routing Not Working

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Just to give a quick backstory of my issue, I will try to explain it the best I can.

I have set up a home server running Proxmox (I would have used ESXi, however 6.7 and 7 are not compatible with my CPU as it is an old desktop machine)

The server is connected to my home network ( using ipv4 address

I have a installed multiple VMs and have them all on the network and deployed a WinServer2019 VM as my domain controller using the domain "EXAMPLE.COM".

Here is where I am struggling.. I have a PfSense VM handling the routing between the VM's and for internet connection and this is working, however, I am unable to access my VMs using their DNS or IP from my gaming PC. Since my DC is on the network and my gaming PC is on the network, can anyone shed some light, or at least point me on the right path as to how can I set up my home network to route to this virtual network without using static routes or any additional hardware?

Here is a simple diagram of my network if it helps!

example network diagram

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Configure static routes on your client to reach them. Or configure your router at to forward packages to your other router.

Note that in many cases will send a ICMP redirect to the clients when the clients is in the same subnet as the other router, so a link net may be a good option in this case, linking the routers, but without any clients.


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