
Squid listening on additional, non-configured ports

iq flag

I have squid (5.4.1, FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE) configured to serve on these ports:

squid    squid      47309 12 tcp46  *:65128               *:*
squid    squid      47309 13 tcp46  *:65129               *:*

65129 is the https listener. Now there are 2 ports open, additionally, one of them should be the cachemgr, the other propably some sort of remote configuration util?

Add.: the first one responds to netcat:

udp 61793 Connection to localhost 61793 port [udp/*] succeeded!

the second doesnt, yet both show up as open when i nmap the box remotely. Also documentation tells me the cachemanager is reachable from the standard listening port, and administrative tasks can be run via telnet on this port using a password.

So it would be a mere cosmetic task, yet the effort outweighs: my motivation to set up a firewall solution is close to negatable.


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