
Roundcube does not take password for user at login

cl flag

I have roundcube and docker-mailserver in docker containers. I've managed to make change of password possible by roundcube password plugin. I created 'mailbox' table and added two columns: 'username' and 'password'. Now this is working, all users can change their passwords.

But still roundcube is logging in users by passwords from /config/, not from database.

How can I make roundcube take passwords from database (MySQL)?

Surely IMAP and POP3 also should take password from database, not from the given file.

Roundcube 1.5.2, docker-mailserver 10.4.0.

vidarlo avatar
ar flag
Have you read the relevant documentation? What have you attempted? Have you read relevant config files for clues?
pbies avatar
cl flag
@vidarlo Yes, yes. Seems like roundcube is missing code for login taking password from database.
pbies avatar
cl flag
Currently what I am trying to do is to make roundcube auth users by passwords from database, not from file. Maybe dovecot configuration needs to be changed?
cl flag

Ok, so there was much work involved + much research:

  1. you must have separate MySQL container and containers using it
  2. docker-mailserver must use these lines instead of image:
  context: .
  dockerfile: Dockerfile
  1. Dockerfile must be:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y dovecot-mysql
  1. as you can see it must be run with docker-compose with --build parameter
  2. dovecot-mysql must be installed as it is for plugin for getting password from MySQL database (this plugin must be enabled for roundcube in config file - to change passwords in database from roundcube)
  3. in etc/dovecot/10-auth.conf you need to comment !include with #
  4. in the same file uncomment #!include auth-sql.conf.ext
  5. in file 10-ssl.conf make line ssl=yes
  6. this may be needed for userdb also
  7. make in your container database a table mailbox with columns username, password
  8. add at least one user with password $1$... - encrypted
  9. file must have ssl=yes and you may want to add disable_plaintext_auth=yes
  10. have /etc/dovecot as volume (take the files from inside the container)
  11. in /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext have:
driver = mysql
connect = host=mail_mysql_cont dbname=db user=username password=root_passwd_for_db
password_query = \
  SELECT username AS user, password \
  FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%u'
user_query = \
  SELECT '/tmp' AS home, 9999 AS uid, 9999 AS gid;
  1. in /etc/dovecot/auth-sql.conf.ext have:
passdb {
  driver = sql
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext

I will update the answer later as I will work on the problem further.


To make password changing possible in Roundcube you need to have MySQL database attached and table mailbox created with at least columns username and password.


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