I am trying to monitor outgoing network traffic on a Virtual Machine running CentOS (Guest) on a Windows Machine (Host).
I installed Fiddler on the Host Machine (Windows) and allowed remote connections on it so that I can use it as a proxy on the Guest Machine (CentOS).
I am trying to install tableau-server on the Guest Machine (CentOS), and interested in checking the outgoing traffic or the endpoints it uses for it's activation process.
So, while activating tableau-server I pass the proxy, setup via Fiddler to monitor all the traffic.
But the problem is, when I activate tableau-server, I do not get any outgoing traffic, which I think is not possible.
To be sure, I disabled internet connectivity on the Guest Machine (CentOS) thinking it's an offline process, but the activation fails and complains about internet connectivity.
That means, it needs to connect to some endpoints.
But then, why am I not getting anything in Fiddler logs ?
Is it possible that the activation process uses a different protocol instead of http/https ?
If yes, is it possible to whitelist such requests via proxy ?
Can anyone help on this ?
Thanks in advance.
Network Configuration for the VM:

(I can surf the internet on the VM)