
Hide IP with softether client in ubuntu - no response from DHCP

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I have setup Softether VPN server on my OVH VPS with this tutorial. When I'm connecting from my windows machine everything works fine and the internet sees me by my VPN servers IP instead of mine. Now when I do the same in ubuntu, even though softether client shows that it's connected to the server, curl returns the IP address of my machine instead of VPN. I've found info that on Linux I have to setup routing manually - and here problem arises. When I try to sudo dhclient myadapter, it just hangs there. Sometimes it will freeze forcing me to reboot, and sometimes I can kill it. What I've seen in journalctl is:

can't create /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases: Permission denied
Open a socket for LPF: Operation not permitted

Is there something wrong with my dhclient? Or maybe there is any other way to configure the routing for it? Any suggestions will be appreciated!

mu flag

I think you might have this problem described in the ubuntu forum. You might want to try the workaround suggested and try again:

I suggest the following:
touch /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclieht.eth0.leases
chown dhcp /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclieht.eth0.leases
Pepsko avatar
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For some reason there is no dhcp nor dhcpd user in my system
Alejandro Vázquez avatar
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can you check the routing table inside the system and paste it here? command: ip route \ also probably you might need to add the default route pinting to the VPN gateway,
Pepsko avatar
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Since I was trying to setup the connection only for my CI/CD and I realised that it can be also achieved with openVPN client instead, so I took this route. I will probably come back to this as I'm curious how to do this, but right now I have too much work to have time to think about this. Thanks anyway

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