
Reset kubeadmin password in OKD 4.7

kh flag

I tried to find password in .openshift_install.log file and I found something but it didn't work. I tried to oc get secrets kubeadmin -n kube-system -ojsonpath='{.data.kubeadmin}' | base64 --decode && echo "" and it didn't work neither. How can I reset kubeadmin password with oc ?? Thanks

Zareh Kasparian avatar
us flag
are you sure you are using password? default K8S authentication is based on certificate authentication. I'm not sure about OpenShift, since not worked with it.
mozello avatar
cn flag
Hi Mohammad Mousavi, what is the output of `oc get secrets kubeadmin -n kube-system`? `oc get secrets kubeadmin -n kube-system -o yaml`? Is the secret there?
ru flag

First, let's remind that if you follow carefully installation steps, there will be a moment you have to install the 'oc' CLI tool and use it to 'login' to your cluster via:

$ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig
# replace <installation_directory> by the directory where you created your
#   installation artefacts with the openshift-install prog
$ oc whoami

that shall confirm you are in as 'system:admin'

From that point, finding the URL path to the web console is quite easy, just do the variant:

$ oc whoami --show-console

and there's too a file dropped by the installer in your <installation_directory>:

$ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

That last file is actually seen as a security weakness and may disappear in future releases (RedHat recommends you to remove that account ).

Hence there's an alternative way to define a few additional 'admin' user accounts from the 'oc' command line, which is anyhow far better for sharing OC Cluster administration tasks with colleagues, each with one's identity instead of sharing the kubeadmin password, and also with a login method that won't depend from the availability of an IDP in case the later is unavailable for whatever reason (you can combine many authentication means).

Route path:

  1. add a 'htpasswd' identity provider to the built-in authentication pod
  2. add the 'cluster-admin' role to the users so created

Please review detailed steps in the above linked docs to understand what you are doing. Here is a brief summary.

#ensure you are properly logged in for the next 'oc' CLI commands
$ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig
$ oc whoami
#ensure the authentication operator is up and running
$ oc get clusteroperators
   NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   etc...  
   authentication                             4.12.0    True        etc...
#ensure authentication API pods are deployed
$ oc get pods -n openshift-authentication
   NAME                               READY   STATUS    etc...
   oauth-openshift-84955b4d7c-4d2dc   1/1     Running   
   oauth-openshift-84955b4d7c-4wx8v   1/1     Running   
   oauth-openshift-84955b4d7c-7pnqj   1/1     Running  

# create an initial htpasswd file (if you already have one, or want to update passwords, omit the 'c' arg)
$ htpasswd -cB users.htpasswd <myLoginNameHere>
   # your are prompted for a password twice
   # repeat the command for additional users' login names
# prepare the file for inclusion as a string attribute in YAML
$ base64 -w0 users.htpasswd >users.htpasswd.b64
# edit a inject-htpass-secret.yaml file with the following content
   apiVersion: v1
   kind: Secret
     name: htpass-secret
     namespace: openshift-config
   type: Opaque
     htpasswd: 'YmVybmFyZG... you paste here between quotes the B64 content of your users.htpasswd.b64 file ... ZtQ1MwaEdDCg=='
# create or update the secret 'htpass-secret' with the new htpasswd artefact
$ oc apply -f inject-htpass-secret.yaml

if you just need to update users/passwords in a existing config, the above is sufficient.

#check you don't have yet a htpasswd identity provider configured
$ oc describe
# or alternatively:
$ oc edit cluster
   # and you shall see that the Spec attribute is an empty object
#Then, add the provider. Edit an config-OAuth-id-provider.yaml file as below.
# you can only customize the name for your provider, here 'htpasswd_provider'
   kind: OAuth
     name: cluster
     - name: htpasswd_provider
       mappingMethod: claim
       type: HTPasswd
           name: htpass-secret
# and apply (or update the htpasswd_provider ! ...or add it!)
$ oc apply -f config-OAuth-id-provider.yaml

Last, add a cluster-admin role to users

#each user must login once first, 
   # which is the way for the authentication operator to discover that a new user exists
#then, add the cluster role
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin <userLoginNameHere>
#if you are already logged in, you may see your web console updating its display instantly

Enjoy local console logins!

mx flag

To find the encrypted password

The password for the kubeadmin user is stored in the kubeadmin Secret in the namespace kube-system. You should be able to see the bcrypt encoded value with oc get secret kubeadmin -n kubesystem -ojsonpath='{.data.kubeadmin}' | base64 -d. The encrypted password starts with $2y$10$, specifying that it is using the bcrypt algorithm with a cost of 10.

To reset the password you'll need to generate a new encoded password and update the secret. Please note the password is required to be at least 23 characters.

Steps to replace the password

  • Generate a new random password.
  • Encrypt the password using the htpasswd utility.
  • Now base64 encode that encoded password with base64 -w0. The -w0 is to disable line wrapping.
  • Patch the secret in the cluster with oc patch secret/kubeadmin -n kube-system -p '{"data": {"kubeadmin": "[value for the base64 encoded, bcrypt encrypted password]"}}'.

A full example

  • The new password will be w9dYJ-00Je7-K2A0H-ED5ku-6Sdvz
  • Encrypt with htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" w9dYJ-00Je7-K2A0H-ED5ku-6Sdvz | tr -d ':\n'
  • Encode the result echo $2y$10$c9zxzleI5pvNXdWNHD3bT.vdqpJY2cI752YLswMydZR2VoIudbtti | base64 -w0
  • Apply the patch to cluster with oc patch secret/kubeadmin -n kube-system -p '{"data": {"kubeadmin": "JDJ5JDEwJGM5enh6bGVJNXB2TlhkV05IRDNiVC52ZHFwSlkyY0k3NTJZTHN3TXlkWlIyVm9JdWRidHRpCg=="}}'
  • You should now be able to login to the cluster using your new password.

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