
VPN Router and additional VPN on device

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I have a Router which I use as VPN server (openVPN is configured, unified mode). In addition, I am connecting to the VPN of my company on the macbook which is connected to internet through the abovementioned router.

Router -------> Macbookpro ------> VPN (company)

Is my public IP exposed to the company or only the IP of the openvpn configured in the router?

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The answer is: It depends ... on what VPN client your company has and if you mean your internal private IP or what i expect, because of the configuration you described, you mean your own public IP

your public IP: Is your OpenVPN tunnel configured to tunnel everything (unified mode) or just some addresses (split mode)? In unified mode your public IP won't be exposed to the company. In split mode your public IP won't be exposed if the traffic to the VPN Gateway is routed by your router into your VPN - you should have configured that.

your internal private IP: It depends on the software used to connect to the company. Some software allows access to diagnostic data so your IP might be visible.

EDIT: Regarding updated OP: no. Your Public IP wohnt be exposed to your company, as Long as the Tunnel to the others Site persists. You should block VPN ports/target for your client to avoid accidential connection when VPN in router is down.

Roberto avatar
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router is configured in **unified mode** , and I meant **public IP** , I have updated the text in the question
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