
How to connect a pfSense firewall into my current setup?

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Currently I have an ASUS RT-AC68U router that routes my traffic, provides WiFi connectivity (private network + guest network). There are 4 devices that connect to the wired network via its ethernet ports. It forwards a few ports to internal machines that expose their services to the Internet. It also runs a VPN server that I use to access my network from the Internet.

I have a QNAP TS-253Be with 16GB RAM and two 1 Gbps ethernet ports. I would like to install pfSense VM on it and make it my default firewall for the entire network.

My idea is to connect modem to one QNAP port (let's call it WAN) and the second port ("LAN") connect to the WAN port on my ASUS. I think that the QNAP LAN port and ASUS WAN port should be in bridge mode. Is that correct? I never used bridge functionality. Do I configure it on both devices or just one? Will I be able to use ASUS as the DHCP/VPN server and WiFi access point (as I did until now)?


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