
How can I resolve "HTTP Error 500.19 error code 0x8007000d - Internal Server Error"?

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I'm currently trying to redirect errors on my Tomcat project.

Currently I'm using this method of redirecting the errors by using httpsError in the web.config file. Here is the code and error that I got. HTTP Error 500.19, error code 0x8007000d And I have URL Rewrite installed.

Sorry for the horrible images, I wasn't able to take a snippet. I know there are other solutions for Tomcat (for some reason it doesn't work) thus I am using web.config instead and this is the closest to success.



vidarlo avatar
ar flag
Please provide your config file as *text*, and the error message either as text or as an readable screenshot.
Lex Li avatar
vn flag
If you cannot provide the complete `applicationHost.config` file, it is impossible for anyone to confirm what's wrong there. A screenshot is far from enough. One tip you might try is to open this file in an editor like Notepad++ and enable display of all hidden characters. That often reveals corruption you neglect in a glance.

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