
How can I use APT through an SSH tunnel and a HTTP proxy?

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I have a Debian Linux system inside a network isolated from the Internet. Lets call it SERVER-A.

I can connect from my laptop with Windows 10 through SSH to SERVER-A. I also can browse the WWW from my laptop using a proxy with my user and password. Lets call my laptop LAPTOP-B, and the proxy server, PROXY-C.

There is not direct connection from SERVER-A to PROXY-C.

I am able to establish an SSH tunnel from SERVER-A to LAPTOP-B, making LAPTOP-B services accesible from SERVER-A through SSH.

Now I want to use APT in SERVER-A, passing through LAPTOP-B and using PROXY-C to connect to the Debian source servers.

It is that possible?

Do I have a better option to update the server without having direct connection to the Internet?


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