I'm in the process of trying to set up a self signed certificate for connecting a jetty server to a development sql database. I'm following the instructions here: https://codekabinett.com/rdumps.php?Lang=2&targetDoc=create-install-ssl-tls-certificate-sql-server but I've run into a bit of a roadblock. When I try to install the certificate in sql server manager, no certificates are showing up in the dropdown. I thought it might be that I needed to add the cert to trusted, so I did that and tried again with the same result.
My suspicion now is that the common name (CN) I chose when creating the cert does not match what sqlserver is expecting. According to the instructions
This must be the computer name (the local Windows computer name, not DNS name) of the SQL Server computer.
The sql server is on a remote machine. How do I determine what the correct CN is for the cert? Is it even possible to configure the certificates for that sql server using SQLServerManager running on my local machine? If not how, do I go about this?
I'm going through the process of verifying that my certificate is valid for use with sqlserver. I used the query:
EXEC master.dbo.xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters', N'Domain',@Domain OUTPUT
SELECT Cast(SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') as nvarchar) + '.' + @Domain AS FQDN
to obtain the FQDN and used that as the CN for the cert. I verified that the KeyUsage property of the cert is Server Authentication ( . I'm using a pfx so the KeySpec option should be good. I added the pfx into Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
I'm still not seeing the cert as an option in the sql server manager so there must be something else I'm missing. The only thing I can think of is the requirement
The SQL Server Service Account must have the necessary permission to access the TLS certificate
but I'm not sure how to verify that or to fix it if it's wrong.