
Using network share to host .net app with on-prem IIS servers

kz flag

We have 2 on-prem windows server 2019 IIS servers we're setting up for high-availability/load balancing, and right now they both have their own individual copy of the site/.net app in their own respective C:\foo directories. And on each box, the IIS site node points to it's own local instance of C:\foo

But for the sake of streamlining code pushes in the future, is it possible to create a network share like \\foo\bar and have both IIS instances/boxes point to it? As opposed to having to push code updates to Box A's C:\foo folder and then also Box B's C:\foo folder.

Is there a downside/gotcha/pitfall to doing this? (Apart from the site being totally inaccessible when code is pushed, because it's all in 1 place)

Never done something like this before, and I guess in theory it makes sense why you wouldn't, because you always want one instance up, and it maybe creates some fragility if the network share can't be mounted on startup/disconnects/whatever...but just for the sake of having the code all live in 1 place, it sure seems like a good idea....appreciate any advice!

Lex Li avatar
vn flag
It's been discussed too many times, that once you migrate to a network share the bottleneck becomes too many connections between your web servers and the share itself. Things like port exhaustion can kill you too. So I personally suggest you stick to local files.

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