
Google firewall being saturated and not allowing valid requests through

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We've configured some Firewall rules to block some bad ips. This has been done in the VPC Network -> Firewall area. This is NOT done on the server via IPTables or anything.

Everything is fine until we have floods of traffic from these bad ips. I can see in the firewall log for this rule it was blocking them, but there is either a connection limit or bandwidth limit. For 40 minutes I have a solid wall hit counts of 24,000 for ever minute - no up or down just 24,000 constantly. Traffic Flood

The server was getting no traffic, resource usage was way down. This was a problem because valid traffic was getting bottle necked somewhere.

The only thing I can see in the docs is a limit of 130,000 maximum stateful connections.

Machine type is n1-standard-4

During this attack when I looked at the quotas page, nothing was maxed out.

Is anyone able to shed some light on this?

in flag

The answer is to resize the instance size and add more cores. Don't use instanced with shared cores.

I went for an n2 with 8 cores and this has now resolved it's self.


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