
Traffic not tunneled/forwarded using StrongSwan

ar flag


I am new to strongswan and I like to set strongswan in a road warrior configuration.

My moon network is an AWS VPC with CIDR block Inside that network, my VPN gateway is an EC2 instance located on a public subnet with a public IP X.X.X.X

On the moon network I have an HTTP server with IP 172.31.X.X listening for requests on port 80.

My carol host is also an EC2 instance located in another VPC with CIDR The carol host is also in a public subnet with a public IP Y.Y.Y.Y

I like to my carol host to submit HTTP request to my HTTP server in the moon network.

I can load and initiate, the logs show successful messages in both server and client.

Nevertheless when I run curl 172.31.X.X from the carol host. The command hangs. I try to capture packets on the carol host with tcpdump but absolutely nothing shows up. So I guess no traffic egress from carol host (same thing happen when using ping -I).


Why the traffic does not seems to egress the client (carol host) ?

How to verify that strongswan can forward/tunnel the traffic from carol host to the HTTP server ?

Technical configuration


EC2 intances (managed by Cloud9) running AmazonLinux 2. Security Group have been check and ingress rules are permissive enough.


StrongSwan version 5.9.5 for both client and server installed from source using

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc 
sudo make install 

carol configuration

connections {
    home {
      remote_addrs = X.X.X.X
      local {
        auth = pubkey
          certs = carolCert.pem
          id = [email protected]
      remote {
        auth = pubkey
        id =
      children {
        home {
          remote_ts  =
          start_action = start

moon configuration

connections {
    rw {
      local {
        auth = pubkey
        certs = moonCert.pem
        id =
      remote {
        auth = pubkey
      children {
        rw {
          local_ts  =
          remote_ts =

Output of sudo swanctl --initiate --child home from carol

[IKE] establishing CHILD_SA home{3}
[ENC] generating CREATE_CHILD_SA request 3 [ SA No TSi TSr ]
[NET] sending packet: from[4500] to X.X.X.X[4500] (304 bytes)
[NET] received packet: from X.X.X.X[4500] to[4500] (192 bytes)
[ENC] parsed CREATE_CHILD_SA response 3 [ SA No TSi TSr ]
[CFG] selected proposal: ESP:AES_GCM_16_128
[IKE] CHILD_SA home{3} established with SPIs z9777de6_i z67c5f90_o and TS ===
initiate completed successfully

IP table on carol host :

Admin:~/environment $ sudo ip route show table 220                                                                                                                                                                          via dev eth0 proto static src 

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