
Mounting a filesystem for all processes from within a service/webserver

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I'm trying to create a local website that allows me to decrypt a file, mount its contained filesystem and start a systemd service without accessing the console. The started service then uses the files within the mounted filesystem. The webserver currently runs my python code via cgi to serve a simple website to decrypt and mount that filesystem. I made exceptions in the sudoers file for the www-data user to execute certain commands that I call in python.

When I decrypt the file using this website (which calls cryptsetup luksOpen) the decrypted device appears as expected:

> file /dev/mapper/service-volume
/dev/mapper/service-volume: symbolic link to ../dm-0

But when my python code tries to mount this service-volume it is only mounted within the apache worker process, unavailable for my shell or other processes (XXX is the PID of the apache worker process):

> mountpoint /mnt/service-folder
/mnt/service-folder is not a mountpoint
> cat /proc/XXX/mounts
/dev/mapper/service-volume /mnt/service-folder ext4 rw,relatime 0 0

The mount operation executed is sudo /bin/mount /dev/mapper/service-volume /mnt/service-folder with pythons

So my questions are: What is happening there? Is this some namespace/cgroups magic? And how can this folder be mounted for another service/process other than apache itself?

Additional information:

The service-folder exists (without the mounted filesystem):

> ls -la /mnt/service-folder
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 23 21:25 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jan 23 21:25 ..
paladin avatar
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Besides it's dangerous to do such things using a webserver, does your directory `/mnt/service-folder` exists?
Kaemmelot avatar
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Yes it does, see my updated question. Also please note that the webserver successfully mounted the filesystem, but only within the webserver's worker process.
paladin avatar
id flag
Usually in a default configuration, a webserver is chrooting to `/var/www`, this means, all other files/directories are not visible for a webserver. Maybe this has an impact for you? Try to mount into `/var/www/yoursite/service-folder`.
Kaemmelot avatar
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Apache does not chroot. And even if it would chroot there, the (already successful) mounting operation would mount in a subdirectory of `/var/www`. I looked inside these directories and didn't find anything.

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