
Using internet on remote server via SSH tunnel

cn flag

I have a RHEL server accessible via jump host only. This is how i am connecting to it


via ssh

ssh -J user@jumphost user@RHEL7

I want to download few dependencies and also want to use internet for accessing few API`s on internet. My jump host also do not have internet so i am kind of stuck here. If jump host had internet i can use sqid proxy, which i am already using for some other servers. Is there any way to use internet on my RHEL7 using squid and ssh tunneling. This is how i am using internet on other servers without jumphost.

step:1 Starting sqid server on my machine

step:2 adding these lines in /etc/environment on rhel server

 export http_proxy=

 export https_proxy=

step:3 ssh -R 3128:localhost:3128 user@rhel

I there any way to use internet on my RHEL7 server while jumphost being in middle of my machine and RHEL7

es flag

why don't you want to use the method you described for other servers + jump host?

ssh -J user@jumphost -R 3128:localhost:3128 user@rhel

here is an example


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