
How to process a request with squid externally?

sb flag

It is possible to catch a request that passes through squid proxy in order to analyze it with an external program?

I have an application that is used in about 400 workstations. I don't have access to any config or source code of this application, but I have access to squid that proxies the requests to it.

Business rules demand that users only can open a single session at any time, but I'he noticed that the users open various sessions simultaneously.

So, I'm considering to write a python (or php) script to analyze the requests to the server and check if a session is already open and if so, block it.

djdomi avatar
za flag
if you would do so within EU you will get busted - however, try to use the [Squid manual](
Marcos Alexandre avatar
sb flag
Thank you for the comment. I'm not from EU, so for now that strategy is not a problem. Any way, I don't think the `client_ip_max_connections` will help because I need to check if the session exists in a database before I decide to block it.
djdomi avatar
za flag
you said, you want to limit hhhe connections per ip, that's what it does. else, you need to update the question and be more specific. IMHO it feels like a [x and y problem](

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