
is there a way on Linux to set DNS servers using a cmd line?

gs flag

I use a script that creates multiple network interfaces with IP adresses. An example of commands used by the script:

ip addr flush eth0 
ip addr flush eth1

ip addr add dev eth0 route add default gw eth0
ip addr add dev eth1 route add default gw eth1

I didn't find an option to set the DNS server. The file at /etc/resolv.conf has a DNS entry but it's not working. And /etc/network/interfaces is empty (just loopback information).

My question is : is there a way to set the DNS servers using a cmd line that I can include in the script? Or do I have to manually add all the information to /etc/network/interfaces?

Marco avatar
in flag
different linux distros use different methods of adding DNS. There is NetworkManager as a GUI. And there is `ifupdown`, `systemd-networkd`, `resolvconf`. Additionally there is `netplan` handling such thing. The dhcp-client can also do this, but there is more than one dhcp-client available (isc-dhcp-client, dnsmasq). You see, your info is not enough to help you.
Nikita Kipriyanov avatar
za flag
`resolf.conf` doesn't work? Strange. What `grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf` says?

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