We are running a LAMP stack which includes MariaDB 10.5.15 on Centos 7. It's a dedicated server with 4 CPU's and 8GB RAM.
Never had a problem until the last few weeks, where I noticed slow queries taking 8-9 seconds in the slow query log.
These queries are against multiple INNODB databases, but always large tables (i.e. 10,000+ rows). They always occur between the hours of 6am and 8am.
The tables in question have indexes, and the same queries execute in less than a second ordinarily.
I found that by logging into the server at 8am on a Sunday and querying these large tables with simple select statements, they would take 8-9 seconds to execute. Then, for the rest of the day, even beyond midnight, any queries against that table would be fast.
6am - 8am would also be the time when things "come back to life" after a period of inactivity during the early hours.
It seems like there is some kind of cache that is going cold and needs to warm up, but I am not sure why this suddenly started happening after years of trouble free use. There is no huge process running on the server overnight that I know of, and the server is not under load when this happens.
We monitor the CPU load 24/7 and periodically check the number of connections to Apache and MariaDB which remain moderately low throughout the day. Typically there is around 3GB memory free excluding buffers and cache.
Embarrassingly, I discovered that the slow queries in question actually weren't using indexes and were doing a full table scan. An initial query can take several seconds, then for the rest of the day even the full table scan takes less than a second. I am assuming this is some kind of disk cache that is going cold overnight.
Although it might not seem unusual for a full table scan to have performance issues, it still seems odd that this suddenly became an issue out of the blue.