
Is devicemapper linear not just passthrough?

ma flag

I'm trying to follow the script in but getting an error. To diagnose my understanding of devicemapper, I tried to construct a plain passthrough, but it's not working.

LOOP=$(sudo losetup --find --show --read-only $BASEIMAGE)

$ # mounting the loop device works correctly
$ mkdir -p mnt
$ sudo mount "$LOOP" mnt

$ # prints  "bar", as expected for this filesystem
$ sudo ls mnt/root
> bar
$ sudo umount mnt

$ # try creating a passthrough via devicemapper
$ printf "0 `sudo blockdev --getsz $LOOP` linear $LOOP 0" | sudo dmsetup create mybase
$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/mybase mnt
> mount: /home/od/vm1/mnt: can't read superblock on /dev/mapper/mybase.

as you can see, the loopback device mounts normally, but when it goes through the devicemapper, suddenly the superblock can't be read.

Why is that? The devicemapper setup should be mapping 0 -> sizeof(loop device) to 0 -> sizeof(loop device) on the loop device. That seems like it should be a passthrough.

Is devicemapper doing something else in between?


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