
GCP gcloud compute ssh times out, can't ssh from Bastion to private Vm from Console

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I have a Bastion and a private VM behind it but I'm unable to ssh into the Private VM through the Console itself. I have OS-Login enabled

What occurs attempting to enter the private VM from connecting to the Bastion on the Console:

  1. Console SSH: Ask me to input a password (My GCP credential doesn't work, leaving it blank doesn't work)
  2. Console Gcloud Compute SSH: Times out. There's no error message, no message pops up, and nothing happens until I either Ctrl+C to kill the command, or my session expires and boots me out of the bastion.

What occurs attempting to enter the private vm from the Cloud SDK.

  1. SDK SSH: Works normally, able to SSH into the private VM.
  2. SDK Gcloud Compute SSH: Times out. There's no error message, no message pops up, and nothing happens until I either Ctrl+C to kill the command, or my session expires and boots me out of the bastion.

Ideal solution would be able to SSH into the private VM through the console, either from SSH or Gcloud Compute SSH command but neither are working. Looking for a solution either on the SSH Password popup, or the Gcloud Command issue of timing out.


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