
Using Wireguard on a VPS to route all traffic from a client and a server (both Linux) behind NAT

cn flag

I have two Linux machines, a client (C) in one country and a server (S) in another one.

I want to route all traffic from C to S, and therefore a VPN would be the best solution for me, but both C and S are behind NAT, and the ISP does not allow port forwarding. I don't even want to use any services like ngrok, and I want to do it myself to have complete control (and learn something new).

Therefore, I want to use a VPS that acts as a "bridge":

C --> VPS --> S

However, I am missing how to configure the VPS to be the bridge so far I was just able to use VPS as a server, namely:

C --> VPS <-- S

I used this script:

What do you suggest? I am also open to use another software, and I thought it would be easier with wireguard.


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