
SMB connection speed over VPN

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I'm seeking for some advices on how to improve connection speed while using SMB shares over VPN. I have two Win10 PCs with following setup. PC1 - 500Mb/s DL and 350 MB/s UL per SpeedTest PC2 - 100Mb/s DL and 30 MB/s UL per SpeedTest Both PCs are quite powerful an definitely not CPU constrained.

PC1 hosts SoftEther server and VPN bridged to it's local network. PC2 connects to PC1 via SoftEther client. Upon VPN connection PC2 has following speed checks - 40Mb/s DL and 1 Mb/s UL per speedtest. Location is determined to be the same as location of PC1.

But sharing any files over windows shares barely can reach 200Kb/s speed. My main use case was to combine both PCs into VPN network for resources access.

PS: I've tried hosting FTP server on PC1, but for some reason FileZilla was cutting done every connection speed to ~100kb/s with limit of total around 300-400 kb/s.

Does anyone know what can be done in order to improve connection speeds?


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