
Why NFS is listening to a port but not showing the process name, is there any security risk if no firewall is set?

in flag

I'm using ubuntu 22.04 and have mounted an NFS storage, here is my fstab file /media/backup nfs vers=4.0 0 0

When checking the ports withnetstat -tunlp, I suddenly found two ports that I did not recognize

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      -
tcp6       0      0 :::35929                :::*                    LISTEN      -

fuser -v 33781/tcp output nothing. I searched for a long time but couldn't find where it came from, and finally I remembered that the only recent changes I had made were to mount NFS storage. I umounted it and the port listening disappeared. Why doesn't it show the process name when it's listening? The output of rpcinfo

root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# rpcinfo
   program version netid     address                service    owner
    100000    4    tcp6      ::.0.111               portmapper superuser
    100000    3    tcp6      ::.0.111               portmapper superuser
    100000    4    udp6      ::.0.111               portmapper superuser
    100000    3    udp6      ::.0.111               portmapper superuser
    100000    4    tcp          portmapper superuser
    100000    3    tcp          portmapper superuser
    100000    2    tcp          portmapper superuser
    100000    4    udp          portmapper superuser
    100000    3    udp          portmapper superuser
    100000    2    udp          portmapper superuser
    100000    4    local     /run/rpcbind.sock      portmapper superuser
    100000    3    local     /run/rpcbind.sock      portmapper superuser

Is there a security problem if I don't set up a firewall?

br flag
There is an in-kernel NFS server in Linux that would not be associated with a process in a way that netstat understands.
A.B avatar
cl flag
And to know what these ports are doing, the best bet is `rpcinfo` (it could have a strange format, eg: 33781 might be displayed as .131.245)
maP1E bluE avatar
in flag
@A.B I added the output of rpcinfo, cannot be associated with the 2 ports above
A.B avatar
cl flag
@maP1EbluE ok. My comment was wrong sorry.

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