
Azure VPN Client not working:Server did not respond properly to VPN Control Packets

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Project: I have created a VPN GW in Azure. A p2S vpn GW is working when connecting using a Mac. With my Mac, I am connecting using a child certificate and the VPN client in the networking settings. The RootCA certificate is correctly installed in Azure vpn gw. We are using certificate authentication - not Active Directory.

My Goal My goal is to make the windows client work with the Azure VPM GW as a p2s client (same as my Mac - which works flawlessly).

The Problem

For windows, I install the client certificate; but the the VPN connection does not work when using either the Azure VPN Client or the OpenVPN client.

The Question: Do I need to add/install the Azure VPN Client app in Enterprise Applications, within Azure AD, to use the azure vpn client? What about the OpenVPN App?

I noticed that in the Azure Tenant the Azure VPN Client app isn't installed as an Enterprise App.

The Error Messages:

when using openvpn app:

2022-10-08 00:49:48 OpenSSL: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
2022-10-08 00:49:48 OpenSSL: error:140AD009:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file:PEM lib
2022-10-08 00:49:48 MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
2022-10-08 00:49:48 Cannot load inline certificate file
2022-10-08 00:49:48 Exiting due to fatal error

When using the azure vpn client app:

08‎/‎10‎/‎2022‎ ‎08‎:‎09‎:‎30: Dialing VPN connection myconnection name, 
Status = Server did not respond properly to VPN Control Packets. 
Session State: TLS handshake in progress
br flag
Do you have the root certificate’s public key installed locally on the Windows client?

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