
nagios services link not working whereas all other work

im flag

I have successfully installed nagios4 as a debian package on a debian 11 system. Apache and Nagios4 are working perfectly, i have enabled mod_cgi as instructed.

All nagios4 web interface links are working, except services link which download status.cgi instead of executing it. For instance:

  • http://web.localnet.lan/cgi-bin/nagios4/status.cgi?hostgroup=all&style=hostdetail is working and display all hosts
  • http://web.localnet.lan/cgi-bin/nagios4/status.cgi?host=all is not working and firefox/chromium download status.cgi instead.

I have a default /etc/nagios4 configuration (not yet added hosts/services).

What could i have done wrong?

Log files (both apache and nagios) indicate everything is OK, however, when i click on not-working link, i have no logs.

pzkpfw avatar
cn flag
If `.cgi` files aren't running at all, it's usually because you're missing the `cgi` apache module -- if it's only running for some URLs, it's possible that your Apache config is non-standard/too restrictive or that there's a permissions issue for the code that Apache is trying to execute (missing +x for the Apache user, for example).
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