
nginx doesn't properly route to webapp and omitting path

lk flag

I am currently configuring a nginx reverse proxy. The docker instance of nextcloud is available on Port 8891

server {
  listen 8888 ssl http2;

  location /nextcloud/ {


however when I try to navigateto the url, I have the problem, that the stylesheets etc. are not available under /nextcloud/* instead they are getting fetched from /core/*. omitting path

Removing the trailing slash from proxy_pass; navigates me to the docker nextcloud webapp however it's trying to fetch the explicit /nextcloud/ path instead of interpreting it as / enter image description here

How can I archive, that the sources like server.css is getting fetched from /nextcloud/, and basically the whole nextcloud web app is available under /nextcloud/?

za flag
rewrite ^/nextcloud/(.+)$ /$1 break;
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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