
why linux cloned VM has not assigned IP from original VM network profil?

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Using VC7. Any idea why cloned linux VM after start has no IP assigned ? Only solution is use customize OS during Clone.... As I understood "Clone VM" should copy whole VM. FYI: original VM was powered off, so no IP conflict there, and new VM eth link was UP. And original VM used static IP

pt flag
What distribution are you running in your VM? Network interface configurations are often tied to the interface MAC address, so if the cloned VM has a new MAC (which it should), the system may not apply the static interface configuration.
andrew avatar
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I am using RH7.9
pt flag
Take a look at the interface configuration file (something like `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0`). Look for a `HWADDR=` line. If you delete this (or modify it to match the local MAC) the interface configuration should apply correctly.
andrew avatar
in flag
ok, I see that MAC is different when I used just clone VM... but why ? why is not copied this info from /etc ? it is generated randomly during boot or ?
pt flag
The interface MAC addresses are generated by your hypervisor when it creates a virtual machine.
andrew avatar
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Thanks. so pls feel free to mark this as answer :)
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