
1-week old operations unavailable via gcloud compute operations list command

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I have spawned a large number of instances (approx. 5000) on the last few days and I am keeping track of the start/delete times of instances via the gcloud compute operations list command.

I tried today to list all operations since 2022-10-18 but the output contains only operations since 2022-10-22.

More specifically, if you consider the instance with id 38824[...] that I spawned on 2022-10-18T09:20:31, I can still see the logs of this instance in the Logs Explorer menu of the google cloud console but if I run

gcloud compute operations list --filter="targetId=38824[...]”

I get.

Listed 0 items.

However, if I take a recent instance, for instance 696731[...] that I created today, and run a similar command

gcloud compute operations list --filter="targetId=696731[...]”

I get.

operation-16665[...] insert us-central1-a/instances/487 200 DONE 2022-10-24T01:12:11.789-07:00
operation-16666[...] delete us-central1-a/instances/487 200 DONE 2022-10-24T02:16:26.332-07:00

I don’t understand why I can’t access gcloud operations from 1-week old instances anymore (I checked the documentation of the command and found no detail that would explain why this operation is now hidden to me).

Do you know if and how I can retrieve gcloud operations information about my 1-week old instances?


Y. Pradat

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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