
Can't communicate on remote ip using local vip through IPSEC (IPSEC is up + Test port works)

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good afternoon. I have the following problem in pfSense:

The Service for package Zabbix Proxy not want to go up.

The scenario is as follows:

  1. pfSense has a IPSEC VPN with Zabbix Server

    Zabbix IP is

  2. pfSense has a VIP (Virtual IP) linked to pfSense, which is what Zabbix Server will use to communicate on Phase 2 of IPSEC

    Virtual IP is

  3. If i go to Diagnostics > Test Port and select interface VIP and try to connect on (Which is the port Zabbix Server is listening) i get a SUCCESS message, but if i don't specify a interface, i get a connection error message

When i try to start Zabbix Proxy service, it reports that the Zabbix Server IP is unavailable (Unable to connect to So, i believe that the route that Zabbix Proxy is trying to do is NOT through the VIP.

So that's why it's not getting a success message when connecting to the Proxy. I believe that the Zabbix Proxy service in pfSense is getting a different interface than the VIP one...

I am almost sure that i must have to do some Outbound NAT. I even managed to do one according to the image below, but it's not working. Outbound NAT Example

My logic when creating this NAT below (I don't know if I made the rule correctly): Every connection attempt on IP on port 10052, use the VIP interface.

Please, how can i explicity and globally say to pfSense that "All tries on outbound route uses interface VIP address" ?

Or if this is not the solution, what can i do ?

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I just googled this problem and went straight to my own question.
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I was able to solve this by setting a route in System > Routing on pfSense for specific IPs destinations.

This for outbound routes, the other way around I had to create VIPs and use NAT.


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