
DNS resolution for certain A records and recursion to public DNS for rest all queries

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I have been going on through many artciles to find solution to one of our issues.

We are trying to find solution to DNS recusrion.

We have 10 websites for which we have created Host A records but now the problem is other links for which A record does not exist it does not work, we want it to go outside and resolve through public DNS.

For Example we have zone name and we have created 10 records such as,, and so on till

Now the problem is if I try to resolve it does not resolve because its A record is not created and it does not go out to resolve.

Can anyone suggest how we can configure DNS so that it should first try to resolve query within internal DNS Zone first(zone is available but limited number of A records) and if it is not able to then it should go out.

Thanks for providing suggestions in advance !!


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