
Decrease Size of EBS Volume attached to EC2 Instance

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I've created an EC2 instance with some 100 GB initial size, thereafter I realized this much size is not required, I've to decrease the size now.

What I tried?

  • Create a new volume with the desired size.
  • Attach new volume to ec2 instance.
  • Setup New volume (grub-install, EFI partition, etc)
  • Copy data from old_volume to new_volume.
  • Detach old volume.

But this process is a little bit complex as this can't be smoothly done by all the users, is there any better approach for this?

Tim avatar
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The approach you've taken is the only one I know that works. How many volumes do you have that are too large?
DilLip_Chowdary avatar
ua flag
Added my new approach in the answer, (bypass EFI setup process)
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Here are the steps to migrate your ec2 instance data from large volume to small volume.

  • Create a new Instance with desired (reduced) volume size and name it temp-instance.

    • After the instance is in a running state and status checks are passed, stop the instance, detach this volume and name it as destination_vol
  • Attach destination_vol to the main instance.

  • Connect to the main instance and run the below commands.

  • Login as root

sudo su - 
  • Mount Volumes
mkdir /target

mount -t ext4 /dev/nvme1n1p1 /target

  • Copy data from src to dest
rsync -aHAXxSP / /target 
  • Unmount Volumes.
umount /target
  • Stop Main Instance
  • Detach both volumes.
  • Attach destination_vol in mount path /dev/sda1
  • Start the instance.


  • Make sure you set proper AMI, architecture, vpc, etc while creating a temp instance.


  • Stuck in Initializing state:

If you followed all the above steps properly and still your instance is in the initializing state, you can shutdown and restart the instance.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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