
Exchange migration failure: Active Directory property 'homeMDB' is not writeable on recipient

US flag

Performing an Exchange 2016 on-prem mailbox migration and receiving the following error;

Active Directory property 'homeMDB' is not writeable on recipient..

I've ensured that inheritable permissions are turned on for the AD object, and even went ahead and disabled\re-enabled them to try and force permission re-sync, still receiving the same error when trying to resume the mailbox migration.

djdomi avatar
za flag
found [This](, [this also]( - did you done the research before posting, as this is a must requirement for asking in here?
SeeShellRun avatar
@djdomi Both of those articles reference resetting inheritable permissions, which I mentioned above that was the first thing I tried. So yes, I read those same articles, yes I did research, and yes I attempted that recommended fix. For step 2 in [this]( link, these conditions are already true, as this would impact my other migrations if it were not true.

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