
How to snapshot a local Ubuntu machine

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I have an old laptop with an external HDD as a home server. The server runs Ubuntu 22.04. It is my DNS server (pi-hole), file server (smb), a web server for local sites, a bunch of python scripts on corn, and much more.

I have an additional identical laptop and external HDD. I would like to backup my entire server: my files, but also configs, cronjobs, python libraries, and stored web credentials. In short, a way to recover from a dead server.

From reading online, I think the tool I'm looking for is rsync, but I'm not sure. what is the best way to achieve what I am trying to do?

Ray Butterworth avatar
sd flag
Would a simple "dd" copy of the entire hard drive work? ¶ As for rsync, each night on my own system I run it with `--archive --one-file-system --delete --backup --quiet` on /home and /etc., but that's not for disaster recovery, but to provide historical backups (e.g. what did this file look like 2 weeks ago?).
user850498 avatar
in flag
What would the procedure be? Pull out the HDD from my backup laptop and dd from my working server to the backup hdd?
Ray Butterworth avatar
sd flag
It can be done over the network. [How to Clone Linux disk partition over network using dd]( is one example, but you should also read a few others to be sure you understand what you're doing.
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