
Lost remote connection to MySql through DDNS addres to local server after installing IIS Windows Server 2012 R2

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I have a DDNS service that I use to connect to my local MySQL server when out of the office through my desktop app, everything was working fine until I installed IIS on the Server (Win Ser 2012 R2), I installed IIS because I also have a mobile app that connects to MySQL server through PHP and that one works fine through the DDNS connection. I am using VB on MS Visual Studio 2019, my connection string is

MyConString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver};SERVER=" & ip_sucu & ";;" & "DATABASE=" & based & ";UID=" & usuarios & ";PASSWORD=" & passws & ";OPTION=3;"

Is there something I need to configure on the IIS Service so I can get direct connection to MySQL again? The desktop app works fine if I am on the local network, The variable ip_sucu changes between the IP (if I am on the local network) and the DDNS address if out of the office. The firewall is configured to give access to MySql, as I say before, before installing IIS it was working fine for more than 2 years. Thanks for any help.

I tried disabling the firewall but still no connection I have not tried any other solution because I am totally lost on this matter


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