
How to connect Cloudfare to an EC2 Amazon server?

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Im running an Amazon EC2 server with Ubuntu. I've installed Nginx and gone through the setup instructions provided here. The link has one of the chain of tutorials. I've done all the setup, and successfully connected my google provided domain to Cloudflare. My issue is that Cloudflare isn't connecting to the server. Whenever I type in my domain, it just shows "webpage not found". Is there another guide/resource I should be using? A book perhaps?

Lex Li avatar
vn flag
1. Just enable Cloudflare as your DNS service provider, so that you can test out the basic functionality. 2. When everything works, change your Cloudflare configuration to enable more features like CDN/caching. Don't move too fast. Currently I think you didn't even configure DNS records properly and that requires a lot of reading on how to manage DNS records.
Markus Down avatar
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Thanks, ill go ahead and read up more on DNS records. I really haven't done much with DNS other than connecting my Domain from Google to Cloudflare.
Markus Down avatar
me flag
@LexLi thanks for your help. I... did not have it setup. I only had the domain redirect. I didn't have my A type DNS records, only CNAME.
Lex Li avatar
vn flag
Luckily Cloudflare has extensive documentation to help you get started, and you can use search engines to find more on Cloudflare/AWS.
Markus Down avatar
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For whoever comes upon this with the same question: To be able to connect I needed to: (1) Set up my domain with google and connect the Cloudflare nameserver to it (2) On cloudfare setup the DNS for and under A type DNS to the public IPv4 of your server (3) Have Nginx setup ^Link provided above (4) Make sure to have certbot activated (Tutorial found on Digital Ocean) I don't know if this is for all websites, but mine was a .dev, so it required a certificate.
Lex Li avatar
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