I have some EC2 instances that are currently over-provisioned for cpu/mem. The problem I'm seeing in trying to right-size these instances is that a lot of them use barely any cpu and have a baseline of <5% cpu usage, however they need a reasonable amount of memory, perhaps 4gb of RAM.
We're currently using the T3 instance types, so theoretically many of these instances would do fine on nano or micro t3 instances, however they need more RAM than what's offered in those sizes. In other words, I don't think the T-series cpu and memory offerings scale correctly for our workloads.
Ideally, I would want instance types that offer low cpu baseline percentages, but with a reasonable amount of RAM (4gb at least).
I know there are memory optimized instance types, but these all offer a ton of RAM, way overkill for what we need.
Is there a better instance type for low cpu but a reasonable amount of memory? I don't want to keep them overprovisioned on CPU just to get the 4GB of memory on the T3 medium.
Maybe moving to ARM based cpu? Any ideas?
The problem originates from the last guy who worked here, who set every instance up as Server2019 desktop experience... for simple services that could run just fine headless/on server core or a small linux instance with barely any resource utilization... so now being unable to just switch over to server core without rebuilding, trying to right-size these has become problematic just to be able to support friggen windows desktop. Dumb.