
How do I forward traffic requests from my VPN server to a machine in my network using Ubuntu?

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Let me explain my scenario. I'm establishing a VPN connection from a client on the internet to an Ubuntu server (Server1) on my local network. I have a second server (server2) on my LAN, and I would like the client that is connecting to the VPN Server (Server1) to be able to reach this server (Server2). Right now I'm able to communicate between the client and Server1 without issues, but I wasn't able to redirect traffic to Server2 using IPTables on Server1. I have only one LAN interface on Server1 and Server2 and they are both in the same subnet. I don't know if I'm setting the tables incorrectly or if I need to setup Server2 tables too to answer the requests from Server1 (or the client, I don't know!). Perhaps there is another way to do this other than IP tables. I'm open to suggestions. Can anybody help me? Regards,

cn flag
Set server1 to forward IP traffic and push a route to your lan subnet to the client as part of the VPN connection. Without knowing more details about the VPN an do networks it's impossible to say more (also probably off topic for server fault currently)

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