
8GB of 10GB disk on GCP VM taken by google sdk?

kr flag

Hello I have a GCP VM which is out of disk space (a 10 GB disk). I am using ncdu to figure out where all the space is being used.

--- / ---------------------------------------------
.   4.3 GiB [##########] /snap
.   3.2 GiB [#######   ] /var
    2.1 GiB [####      ] /usr
.   1.7 GiB [###       ] /home

--- /snap ---------------------------------------------
    2.7 GiB [##########] /google-cloud-sdk
  624.5 MiB [##        ] /lxd
. 404.5 MiB [#         ] /core20
  356.8 MiB [#         ] /snapd
. 338.5 MiB [#         ] /core18
    4.0 KiB [          ] /bin
    4.0 KiB [          ]  README

It seems that 2.7GB is taken up by the google-cloud-sdk

and within /var/lib/snapd/snaps:

--- /var/lib/snapd/snaps ---------------------------------------------
  334.8 MiB [##########]  google-cloud-sdk_310.snap
  308.6 MiB [######### ]  google-cloud-sdk_308.snap
  279.5 MiB [########  ]  google-cloud-sdk_312.snap.partial

Are these snapshot files? Can I delete them?

There are several other big folders that I don't know what they do but these are the big ones.

It's super frustrating that I've run out of space and my app has only used 2 of the 10GB. Any advice on what I can do to clean all this up would be much appreciated!

Jaromanda X avatar
ru flag
the title states that 8GB is taken by google-cloud-sdk ... yet your output shows only 2.7GB is taken by google-cloud-sdk - anyway, those aren't "snapshots" they are Canonical Snaps - i.e. stuff installed using `snap` I guess
ar flag

Are these snapshot files? Can I delete them?

They are snap packages. You can remove them if you want. man snap will tell you how to interact with them.

snap remove <packagename> will uninstall it.

Furthermore, they take up less space than seen by du, as the content is stored in a compressed filesystem image in /var/lib/snapd. /snap is the mountpoint of the compressed filesystem.

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