Our apache error log is littered with messages saying client denied by server configuration
, even though the htaccess configuration is working as intended.
Here is the relevant bit of the htaccess:
SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('User-Agent') =~ /.*WHATEVER.*/" WHATEVER=1
# Only allow access for these hosts
Require expr "%{HTTP_HOST} =~ /((host1|host2|host3)\.com)/"
# Deny access if any of the rules in the RequireNone succeed!
# IIRC putting the two requires here is fine, it's an implicit OR.
Require expr "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#.*RELEASE_NOTES\.txt#i"
# Block path unless it's one of the User Agents we want to allow
Require expr "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#pathy/path#i"
# This expr is what seems to trigger the error, even though the User Agent
# matches and the server responds with a HTTP 200 code (and the request is successful).
Require expr "!(reqenv('WHATEVER') == 1)"
If we test it using the correct user agent it works fine, we get an HTTP 200 and the response is valid. If we use a different UA it will give us a 403 Forbidden as expected. But on every successful request the error client denied by server configuration
will be logged.
We had this same issue with a different Require expr
statement, but we changed that one to a rewrite rule to resolve it (this previous issue was resulting in a log message for basically every resource access). We can do the same again here, but I'm curious why this may be resulting in the error.