
Tar backup command for exclude backup files & cache & include only httpdocs subdirectories

ls flag

I am looking for a tar command that meets the following requirements:

I want to exclude all files ending with: backwpup & .zip (in between and before can be any e.g. uploads/ I want to exclude all folders in the area /media/backup/ & /application/cache/

I start at a level that looks like this:


With subdirectories for each:

  1. /etc/
  2. /httpdocs/
  3. /lib/
  4. ...

Only the content of /httpdocs/ needs to be saved.

I tried it with command:

tar --exclude={"*backwpup*.zip", "*/media/backup/*", "*/application/cache/*"} -czvf backup.tar.gz **/httpdocs

But unfortunately backups with path wp-content/uploads/backwpup-4578-backups/ are still included.

fo flag

You can try using the following tar command:

tar --exclude='' --exclude='/media/backup/' --exclude='/application/cache/' -czvf backup.tar.gz

This command excludes all files ending with "backwpup" or ".zip", as well as folders in the specified locations. It also only includes the "httpdocs" sub-directories in each domain directory

Mike avatar
ls flag
Unfortunately there are too many domains to specify everything individually. Ideal would be a regex based rule or similar. Then there are also subdomains like below again with a httpdocs folder. Not so easy. But not unimportant for a complete filedump of the webserver data excl. backup and caching files.
ls flag

Perhaps this way?

find * -type d \( -path '*/media/backup/*' -o -path '*/application/cache/*' \) -prune -o -path '*/httpdocs/*' -type f ! -name '*backwpup*.zip' -print0 | tar -czvf backup.tar.gz --null -T -
se flag

Assuming you are using GNU tar, please see the documentation on how to exclude files: This details the pattern matching:

Assuming you use GNU BASH you could loop through the directories using a for loop: using filename expansion (

At the end of this page are good examples:


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