Active Directory has a scheduled background process called SDProp that periodically checks for and applies a specific security descriptor (permissions) of certain groups (and its members) that AD considers protected. The permissions that are set are derived from those set on the AdminSDHolder object in AD.
For the purpose of this discussion, we'll focus on Domain Admins.
See here:
And here:
... If the permissions on any of the protected accounts and groups do not
match the permissions on the AdminSDHolder object, the permissions on
the protected accounts and groups are reset to match those of the
domain's AdminSDHolder object
Further, Account Operators have, by default, permissions to manage all user/computer/group objects in the domain, except for any of the protected groups/members, due to this SDProp process.
Case in point, attempting to modify a domain admin account with an Account Operator leads to an access denied error.
First issue:
While they cannot modify these protected accounts, as per the above process, Account Operators CAN, however, delete them! This should not be possible per my understanding of this protection mechanism.
When viewing the permissions of the domain admin account, Account Operators is not listed anywhere. Further, running an effective access check for an AO shows it only has read permissions/properties. All write and delete permissions are denied. This is expected.
It appears the ability to delete the protected account stems from an ACL on the OU containing it, whereby the Account Operators group has the Create and Delete user objects right (this object only), within that OU.
Case in point, if I edit that ACE and remove the Delete right, the issue noted above goes away and the AO can no longer delete the domain admin.
Second Issue
As noted above, the effective permissions appear to be hiding the fact that the AO can delete the object. I truly don't understand this.
Questions Needing Answered
Why is the permission on the OU overriding the permissions set on the protected account by adminSDHolder? The entire purpose of this process is to PREVENT any specific delegated permissions from anywhere applying to the protected accounts, in order to protect them.
Why doesn't the Effective Access tab properly reflect I have the ability to delete this account, as per the OU permissions?